So, I have to work on my applications which require a lot of introspection and retrospection. My sister tells me I have become a Twiteratti, whereby I cannot write anything meaningful (read essays for my applications), but a whole lot of "ooh-look-what-happened-to-me-today". So, as of today, I'll be working on a series of ideas that I rejected for my application essays. I hope I can change your life and affect it the way mine was. Yes Nim, I've had some meaningful experiences in life as well. And a conversation with my Physics Professor counts!!
So, the first one, to Mr. Pathak. (Varun, your not allowed to call me a nerd at this stage.)
Back to Mr. Pathak. My dear man, you may not have been able to pique my interest in nanotechnology, but you did make me think.
The following conversation took place about, say, 3-4 four years back. I am obviously not quoting it word for word..but the essence has not changed.
I had just finished reading another book on the Holocaust and was waiting for something in Pathak sir's room, when we started discussing the things that went down during the world war. I was expressing my horror at what Hitler had done, and how wrong it all was, when sir stopped me, and asked, how do you know all that stuff happened?
I've read about it, you know about it, I know about it, the world knows about it... What is there to not know?
He looked at me and said, do you think the Allieds never did anything that bad? Do you think it was one sided?
"We would have heard about it, if something that big went down, I'm sure we would have known."
And then, he said (this I quote word for word), "History is written by winners".
Had Germany won, do you think the kids in school would have been taught about the gas chambers? You would have seen another side of the war. You would have heard of the atrocities American soldiers inflicted, you wouldn't even have heard of concentration camps. What happened in the Iraq war? What happened to the POWs? Does the next generation get to read about it in history books?
I think my face was stinging with the realization of what he had just told me. I was stunned. Years later, when I read 1984, his words came back to haunt me.
What IS the truth? We, as a race, have become so gullible to everything we are told. If one person says something conspiratorial on Twitter or Facebook, ten people follow it. Soon, hundreds begin believing it. Nobody stops to reflect and question the origin of that piece of news. Everybody likes a conspiracy. We thrive on it, we embrace it. It makes bulbs in our head glow. It makes us angry. We like being angry. We are moronic in that sense..conflict seeking, temperamental humans.
Anyway, the take away for me from this "experience" was to always always always question what you are told. Don't believe your mum when she tells you that you can't stay out late at night, or your sister when she tells you that she is smarter that you are. Question it. Always.
Off-topic, I was listening to Bon Jovi's Always on repeat today..reminded me of Snape. The lyrics kind of fit. Isn't that weird?
Another one will be up soon,
As ALWAYS, would like to hear from you lot! Leave a comment or at least mark a box at the bottom. (I lied, it hurts when somebody marks a post "Lame". But dont worry, go ahead and mark it if you find the post lame)
Naina "enlightened" Taneja